My guest post in Excellence Essentials, presented by HR.Com, gives you the road map to the 5 key signs that your team is zapping your energy….
Why People Pleasers Don’t Make Good Managers
If you constantly say “yes” to your team, you may be a “doormat boss.” This is about your behavior as a boss and not the annoying…
The Double Standard
Originally posted on Linked in – this personal experience really helped me see the bigger picture. You can read the full article on linked in. Tell…
CEOs Set the Tempo
Who would think Startrek’s Captian Kirk and Whiplash’s Fletcher (J.K. Simmons, current Academy Award Winner) have anything in common? But they do, more than it would…
Moore Reason
25 year-old NYPD Officer Brian Moore was buried today. Shot in the line of duty to defend and keep the community safe; Moore’s instinct about a…
What do you think? How many times a day do I get asked that question? I will tell you what I think. It’s a good place…
Hold the Flashlight
My father died 37 years ago and his voice still booms in my head. “Hold the flashlight.” Barking orders as if he was still serving in…