4 Tips About Finding Hidden Gems
Hidden Gems are rare. If you know how to spot them, you are ahead of the game. If you know how to manage them, your team will vastly improve. This article in Expeerter Magazine – tells you exactly how to spot them. Timely as we see situations where legacy employees have dominated and the landscape is changing. It is time to make a change. The labor pool is tight and the talent pool demanding.
Promoting from Within
Let’s restate that: The right promotion from within can make all the difference. The right promotion from inside will improve team morale. When team morale gets better, it naturally boosts team engagement. When your employees are actively moving in the same direction, your KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) move. Your life as their leader is much smoother.
Culture Fit
Onboarding will take less time. You already know the “hidden gem” fits the culture. All you have to worry about is helping your gem adjust to their new status and leadership role. Mentor your “gem” to bring the team along. And then all work together to actually, bring the team along. Uplevel everyone’s game.
Thanks to Kate Rodriquez for a great interview and an easy read purposeful, and VERY relevant article, even today.
Turns Out, You May Be Sitting On Hidden Talent
What’s Next:
Take stock of your talent pipeline. Find those gems that sparkle brightly especially when you are not looking for them or at them. Support your gems with nurturing and access to all they need. It’s up to you to make sure their light does not dim on your watch.