SarderTV Interview: Managing Annoying People.

Speaking about Managing Annoying People is so much more than talking.  Don’t get me wrong, I like to talk.  I live to talk.  I enjoy managing. I relish managing annoying people.  I exist to provide words of wisdom and new ways of looking at situations when you are stuck and not having fun, especially at work.  And usually, it’s not what you expect, that gets you.  I love to help you become a better you.  More importantly I’ll help you have more fun at work while you increase your sphere of influences.  That means your boss (even if you are the boss, your Board) and your direct reports, and their reports will value your thoughts, advice and direction.  

Check my interview on @SarderTV. We talked about my book #ManagingAnnoyingPeople #AlignedWorkplace and much more bout how to stop annoying people from stealing our zen or how to find your zen… it here Managing Annoying People on SarderTV.



Learning is Imperative

What is this book different from others?

And there’s more segments.   See the rest of the series on SarderTV Managing Annoying People.  Don’t fret, I’ll email them to you next week!  Stay on the lookout.

And if you don’t know about SarderTV, you are missing out:

Headquartered in New York publishing exclusive high quality video content from Fortune 1000 Corporate Leaders, Best Selling Authors & Ivy League Professors. With a purpose to “Promote Learning”, the platform is based on the core values of Continuous Learning, Innovation & Performance.

Started by Russell Sarder (Author, Entrepreneur & CEO of Learning) in the fall of 2012, the platform has grown tremendously since then, with interviews from more than 170 thought leaders and a dedicated team of experienced & well-known journalists.

Thanks to the SarderTV team for featuring me.  Special shoutout to Vanessa Tyler, Correspondent for her research and thoughtful questions.  

Managing Annoying People


Listening isn’t enough!  Read the book or read my blog or call me.   If it’s the middle of the night, wait till the am and call me and buy the book now at #Managing Annoying People on Amazon!  Email me at   

Learning is Imperative!

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